Monday, September 13, 2010

We Got a Good Thing Going

Eight years ago today, I woke up in my mother's house to the sun shining brightly through my window. I laid there for a moment, staring at the ceiling, trying to convince myself that it was just another normal Friday. But I knew that my life would drastically change that day and I couldn't fight that feeling. I got up and sleepily stumbled out of my room.

At that point, it felt like someone had pressed the fast forward button.

I knew that we all had to be ready and at Michaelangelo's by 5pm. Everyone was meeting us there. There was a strict time line because the party started at 6pm.

I have 2 sisters though. And getting a bunch of girls done in time is difficult. Hair. Makeup. Dresses. You name it.

We jumped in the car a few minutes late and prepared to race to the event. No worries. We were doing good...until we hit standstill traffic. Ugh!!

Panic started to set in.

I called The Hubble to see how close he was to Michaelangelo's. He was stuck in traffic too.

I called the party planner. She said "don't worry."

We finally made it and rushed upstairs to finish getting dressed. The Hubble was nowhere in sight.

My brother in law, The History Teacher, walked into the room as I was lacing up my pink and white Adidas sneakers. I looked at his face and became more panicked. I walked up to him and asked him several times "He's going to be there right? He won't change his mind? He won't run?" I think I asked him those questions all the way up to the big French doors. He kept reassuring me. I'm sure he was annoyed with my worry and questions. I was so nervous.

The music started to play as I walked through those doors and rounded the corner. Stairs?? Whose bright idea were stairs?? As I held my dress, held onto my Jer-Bears arm and tried not to fall as I walked down the stairs I took a glance at The Hubble. He had tears streaming down his face and the biggest grin I had ever seen.

I immediately knew that all my panic and worry was for nothing. There was the man in whose hands I was about to entrust my heart.

When we finally descended the steps, I hugged my Jer-Bear and turned to look into The Hubble's eyes. We held one another's hands and in front of our families and friends pledged our hearts, souls, lives and futures to each other.

The last eight years has been a crazy journey. We've moved many times. Endured a couple deployments. Had a kid. Have fought and made up more times than I can remember.

But through it all, my true love has never wavered. He has been there through it all. The good times. The bad. The poor times. The not so poor times.

He has held my hand, my heart and sometimes my hair.

He is my hero. My rock. My everything.

Baby, I have cherished the last eight years and look forward to so many more. With you in my corner I know I can conquer the world. You are my biggest supporter and biggest fan and for that I am thankful. I love you more than words can ever express. I pinky swear!

You are my hunka, hunka burnin' love and my big piece of man cake!

I will follow you to the ends of the Earth and back.

I love you.

Happy Anniversary baby!
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