Last year, you would never hear me say that I was going to make a New Year's Resolution. I thought they were pointless and only for breaking.
I was only into making goals for myself. I figured those were easier to keep.
Recently, I was informed that resolutions ARE harder to keep. And for good reason. Setting a resolution is much deeper than just setting a goal. I can make any kind of goal. But it take dedication and determination to "resolve" yourself to make a change.
The reason I'm talking about this is that yesterday I had a big Resolution Rally party. It was a great time! We all got together and tried the Body by Vi shakes, talked about our fitness/health goals for the year, and just had fun.
We even ended up having an after party where we turned on the Xbox Kinect and played Dance Central 2 for a bit. LOL!
Okay. So my big RESOLUTION this year is to get fit, lose 60 50 pounds, feel better about me, and set a good, healthy example for my children.
My GOALS to go along with that RESOLUTION is to get back into this dress before The Hubble comes home for R&R
AND to be able to wear my wedding rings again. Right now, my fingers are too fat
If I can reach those GOALS, I will definitely be on my way to achieving my RESOLUTION.
Have you set any goals or resolutions this year?